Lenina Crowne got into the cab this afternoon, and asked if I knew any good bars for a drink. She had just been shopping, and was looking to unwind, and we got to chatting about her purchases. Lenina told me she had bought something for both her and her boyfriend, so I ventured a cheeky guess, and asked if it was a sex toy. It was one of those fancy bluetooth vibrators, and she showed me how it worked by sticking it into her pussy! I played from my phone, then pulled over for a spot a fun. Lenina pissed on my cock while I played with her tits, then she cleaned it up with a blowjob, and rimmed my arse. I ate her pussy, then fucked her doggystyle out the side of the cab while fingering her ass, then I pulled out and came inside it!
Lenina Crowne’s Interactive Sex Toy (Lenina Crowne, John Bishop) [FakeHub]
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